Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Green Technology Certification

JUST IN:  Our fuel polishing systems have been certified green, see highlights.
Algae-X has now received the stamp for Green Clean products.  This represents a huge hurdle in fuel maintenance as it allows a facility operator to apply for grants that support green equipment installations and upgrades.
"Algae-X Diesel Fuel Conditioning is one of our newest and most exciting certifications.  Diesel fuel is one of the most used fuels in the world, and it is also often contanminated and may include sludge that clogs filters and fuel injectors.  The AXI fuel filtration and condition is a remarkably Green process that we feel has great benefits to the commercial industry.  How can a diesel services be Green?  Millions of gallons of diesel are dumped each year becasue the fuel is bad.  the AXI system will reciver bad diesel, maintain diesel for any storage system, and reduce soot (unburned fuel) in our air from these engines.  This is certainly an unconventional, but very exciting concept to investigate if your company uses diesel in vehicles or emergency generator situations." www.cleanfuelmanagement.com

Clean fuel.....It's what we do.