Tuesday, January 12, 2010

System Reliability Requires Smart Testing and Maintenance

EPSS Reliability Requires Smart Maintenance

"Reliability and infrastructure health are not guaranteed simply by investing in and installing new equipment. Unexpected failures can compromise even the most robust facility infrastructure if appropriate testing, maintenance and due diligence teqhniques are not employed." Reprint from the BITS Guide To Critical Power, http://www.bitsinfo.org/.

Most emergency power supply system (EPSS) failures occurr because of the lack of smart maintenance and smart testing of equipment and fluids. Some facilities ignore the regular testing and maintenance and then simply replace major equipment when its condition deteriorates past the break even ROI or useable service life.  NFPA 110 has addressed the need for testing and maintenance and has updated testing and maintenance requirements in the standard.

To read the standard CLICK HERE and you can download for reference.

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