Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Isn't my filter supposed to keep my fuel system clean?

Well, filtration simply cannot and will not do that. At best, filters, separators and centrifuges remove debris suspended in the fuel before the fuel reaches the engine. Stopping, preventing or reversing the process of fuel breakdown is a completely different matter that can be addressed and resolved with ALGAE-X® Fuel Conditioners. It is not very likely that filtration, (either the filter on the engine, or an external filtration system) will remove the sludge coating from the walls and baffles of your storage tank and the use of biocides will almost always aggravate the situation. Filtration has no effect on

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How do we protect stored fuel?

Good housekeeping and purchasing clean, dry fuel from a reputable supplier are definitely step one.
In applications, such as emergency power generation, we recommend installing a fuel re-circulation/filtration system like the fully automated ALGAE-X® STS Fuel Conditioning and Filtration System.

These commercial high capacity systems typically have the following basic components: a pump, an ALGAE-X® Fuel Conditioner, a filter/water separator, a water block or fine filter, a timer, and an